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Team Knockouts Rising


If you're up for the CHALLENGE, I can help you start and grow your health and fitness business! You set your own hours, make your own decisions, and earn money doing something you already love!  Let's set up a phone call and talk about your goals, your story, your WHY, & your future with my team!

WHY become a Team Beachbody Coach?


Well I don't know about you, but I REALLY enjoy helping people reach their potential. I've done a lot of volunteer jobs that have been amazing for my soul but not so great for my bank account. When I stumbled into a job that allowed me to work from home, be available for my kids when they need me, and get paid to be fit and knowledgeable in the health industry, I thought, "Yeah, I could do that!"


So WHAT do you DO all day?


I am an Independent Beachbody Coach.  I set my own hours, which tend to be sporadically all day.  I do a lot of networking, and spend a lot of time on Facebook and Instagram, as those are my two largest formats for sharing my story and finding future Challengers and even Coaches!  I set up Challenge Groups--or Accountability Groups--to keep participants motivated to do their workouts, drink their Shakeology and improve their lives!


I would love to tell you more about the business side and how you can make money using and promoting fitness and Beachbody products. Please email me at and we'll chat!


Friends, I'm super excited to announce my ongoing Coach Mentorship program!

What in the world is a Coach Mentorship? It's YOU deciding to reach for your goals both in health and fitness and financial freedom to build YOUR OWN business. I am only accepting 2 people each month who WANT to actively be health and fitness coaches. We will work together for a period of time to teach you how to build your business and gain financial freedom ALL while HELPING people to become happier and healthier themselves!

OK, I know what you're going to say:
"I don't have time for another job"
"I am still on my own health and fitness journey"
"I'm not a sales person"

Guess what? ... Me neither, me neither, annnddd me neither! I'd be happy to explain more about why these are excuses and not reasons if you think one of those "reasons" is holding you back.

I'm only going to take 2 people each month who are committed to this apprenticeship program because I want you to have my time and attention in order to become a strong, independent entrepreneur! You'll never be on your own because you'll have an amazing team to support you and your goals ... But they're YOUR goals! Let me help you reach them!

If you WANT this, send me a private message ( or email ( and tell me what Coaching would mean to you! How would it change your LIFE to be able to work from home? I always talk about my WHY--tell me about yours!

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