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I'm a work and play at home mom and wife who decided to KNOCKOUT excuses and get my health and fitness back on track! I've lost over 25 pounds since my second daughter was born, and I'd love to pay it forward and take you with me on this journey toward a better LIFE!


After I had my second daughter I couldn't believe how much weight I'd gained. I felt out of place in my own skin and was extremely self conscious. I have very few photos of me from that time because I just couldn't handle being in them. I was a swrawny child, a petite teen and an anorexic young adult; I was used to being underweight, or at the very least the one everyone called "the tiny one". I struggled with, at 29 years old, trying to care for two small children and lose weight in a HEALTHY way, and it took a LONG time. I'd lose a few pounds and gain them back again, and so on and so on.


I tried a few different programs--Denise Austin, Jillian Michaels, Weight Watchers, You Tube videos, Daily Burn... they all were fine programs but just never gave me the motivation and energy to stick with it!


Beachbody came into my life at a time when I least expected it. My friend had asked me to join one of her challenge groups a few times, and I always turned her down flat. I was overwhelmed with moving or kids starting school, or this or that; I had every excuse in the world. But then something amazing happened. PiYo came out on DVD! I had taken PiYo live classes in my previous life before kids and LOVED it, but I hadn't found any classes near me since then. Now I could do this program I love and not even have to leave my house??  OK, count me in!


I spoke with my friend, a Beachbody Coach, who was ready to help me however I needed, and being the person I am, I dove right in and joined as a Coach at the same time I ordered the program.  I always joke that I don't "do" things, I "own" things, and this aligned with that big time. I knew I would be much more willing to do the workouts and stick with the program if I was working right alongside my clients to show them that they aren't doing it alone!


I was 170 pounds after I had my daughter in 2011. It took me almost a year to lose 25 pounds, taking it a few pounds at a time.  I stayed at 145 for a couple years, unable to break through and just kick the bad habits.  Then with PiYo and Shakeology I lost 10 pounds and 5 inches in two months. And that was at the same time my family moved again and took a 3 week vacation to visit family. I had LOTS of chances to fail but chose instead to PRESS PLAY on my workouts, DRINK my Shakeology and THINK about what I was eating at each meal. I wasn't perfect, and I definitely had my share of cheat meals and days of skipped workouts. But I always came BACK to my program and stayed accountable with the help of MY coach, and my customers. Adding TurboFire and 21 Day Fix have helped me lose the rest of my "baby weight" I have felt so self conscious about over the past 2.5 years. And you know, honestly, it's not about the physical weight--not when it comes down to it. I am 32 years old, and I have two very active children and I am able to keep up with them and show them a wonderful example of how to live a HEALTHY and HAPPY life filled with positive goals and activity rather than body shame and negativity. I am constantly blown away with how much stronger and more flexible I am now--I'm honestly on my way to being more fit than I've ever been.  I am so thankful I finally found a way to give up traditional "diet programs" and move toward a "long term" way of thinking. It's so simple: drink lots of water, workout a few times a week, and eat clean.


As a health and fitness coach, I am able to share my own journey--both successes and setbacks--with others, and really help them reach their own goals. And THAT is amazing. I would love for you to be my next success story. If you think you're ready to do the work, I promise I can deliver motivation and accountability to make it happen.   :)

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